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Gaddafi: Target Gaddafi, Again | Time,Muammar Gaddafi | International Criminal Court,PDF History Of Muammar Gaddafi -,Muammar al-Qaddafi - Death, Facts & Life - Biography,
Going beyond the U.N. measures, the E.U. has frozen the assets of26 Libyans including members of the Gaddafi family, slapped a visa banagainst them too, and extended sanctions to includethe $70 ...
A Co Derry man accused of issuing threats against drug dealers in the name of the IRA allegedly kept photos of Colonel Gaddafi and Osama bin Laden, the High Court has heard. Prosecutors claimed ...
t. e. The 1969 Libyan revolution, also known as the al-Fateh Revolution or 1 September Revolution, was a coup d'état and revolution carried out by the Free Officers Movement, a group of Arab nationalist and Nasserist officers in the Libyan Army, which overthrew the Senussi monarchy of King Idris I and resulted in the formation of the Libyan ...
The son and heir-apparent of Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi has been approved to run for president. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi was previously disqualified over having been convicted of war crimes, but appealed the decision. He is still wanted by the International Criminal Court on charges of crimes against humanity.
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